Select 1st Program Choice
Advanced Diploma in Labour Law, Conciliation and Arbitration
Advanced Diploma in School Leadership & Financial Management
Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Theology and Religious Studies
Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Theology, Pastoral Care and Counselling
Bachelor of Arts Honours in Religious Studies With Education
Bachelor of Arts of Arts Honours in Theology for Social Development
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Accounting
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Banking and Finance
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Business Administration and Management
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Tourism and Hospitality Managment
Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Early Childhood Development
Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Philosophy
Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Psychology
Bachelor of Education Honours Degree in Sociology
Bachelor of Laws Honours Degree
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Agri-Business Management
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Development Studies
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Digital Technology
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Economics
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Information Systems
Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Social Work
Bachelor of Science Honours in Development Sociology
Certificate in Child Protection, Safeguarding and Care
Certificate in Early Childhood Development
Diploma in Accounting and Finance
Diploma in Banking and Finance
Diploma in Finance for Non-Finance Managers
Diploma in Geographic Information Systems and Earth Obsevations
Diploma in Graphics Design
Diploma in Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Management
Diploma in Information Systems
Diploma in Labour Law Conciliation and Abitration
Diploma in Land Architecture and Design.
Diploma in Loss Control and Risk Management
Diploma in Microfinance Management
Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management
Diploma in Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Diploma in Secondary Education Pedagogy
Diploma in Smart Human Settlements Planning, Design and Management Systems
Diploma in Social Work
Diploma in Sport Finance and Administration
Diploma in Sport Science and Coaching
Diploma in Strategic Mine Safety, Health and Environment
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality
Diploma in Transport and Logistics
Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture & Food Systems
Doctor of Philosophy in Artefactual Design and Futures
Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting and Finance System
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Statistics
Doctor of Philosophy in Art, Technical and Design Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Artefactual Design and Futures
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological and Ecological Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Leadership Systems
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Data Science Technology
Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology and Developoment
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Programming and Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Development
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Governance, Theology and Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship
Doctor of Philosophy in Governance and Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Heritage, Humanities and Societal Advancement
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Capital Management
Doctor of Philosophy in in Geographical System
Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems
Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Business Intelligence and Economics
Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy of Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and Entrepreneurship
Doctor of Philosophy in Religion and Theology
Doctor of Philosophy in Risk and Insuarance
Doctor of Philosophy in Science, Technology, Agriculture and Food Systems Development
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work and Applied Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Special Needs Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Supply Chain Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Transport and Logistics
Doctor of Phlosophy in Law and Legal Systems
Master of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies
Master of Business Administration
Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Management
Master of Education in Educational Psychology
Master of Education in Sociology of Education
Master of Philosophy in Accounting and Finance System
Master of Philosophy in Agriculture & Food Systems
Master of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics
Master of Philosophy in Applied Physics
Master of Philosophy in Applies Statistics
Master of Philosophy in Art, Technical and Design Education
Master of Philosophy in Artefactual Design and Futures
Master of Philosophy in Biological and Ecological Sciences
Master of Philosophy in Computer and Data Science Technology
Master of Philosophy in Criminology and Development
Master of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies
Master of Philosophy in Development Programming and Management
Master of Philosophy in Earth Sciences
Master of Philosophy in Economics
Master of Philosophy in Education, Governance, Theology and Leadership
Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship
Master of Philosophy in Governance and Leadership
Master of Philosophy in Heritage, Humanities and Societal Advancement
Master of Philosophy in Human Capital Management
Master of Philosophy in in Geographical System
Master of Philosophy in Information Systems
Master of Philosophy in Law and Legal Systems
Master of Philosophy in Law, Business Intelligence and Economics
Master of Philosophy in Marketing Sciences
Master of Philosophy in Philosophy of Education
Master of Philosophy in Religion and Entrepreneurship
Master of Philosophy in Religion and Theology
Master of Philosophy in Risk and Insuarance
Master of Philosophy in Science, Technology, Agriculture and Food Systems Development
Master of Philosophy in Social Work and Applied Psychology
Master of Philosophy in Special Needs Education
Master of Philosophy in Supply Chain Management
Master of Philosophy in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Management
Master of Science Degree in Development Finance
Master of Science Degree in Strategic Management
Master of Science in Development Studies
Master of Science in Forensic Accounting and Auditing
Master of Science in Healthcare Ethics and Law
Master of Science in Research and Development
Post Graduate Diploma in Education
1st program choice *