Advanced Diploma in School Leadership & Financial Management
Certificate in Child Protection, Safeguarding and Care
Certificate in Early Childhood Development
PhD Social Science Education: UKZN, South Africa:( 2019)
M.Ed.: (Sociology) GZU, Zimbabwe: (2014)
B.Ed. (Primary) Masvingo State University, Zimbabwe: (2005)
Dip. ED, UZ, Zimbabwe: (1999)
MED (Honors) Sociology : GZU, Zimbabwe (2019)
BED (Honors) Sociology: ZEGU. Zimbabwe (2017)
Diploma in Education: Bondolfi Teacher’s College: Zimbabwe, UZ (1992)
DEd Socio-Education UNISA- (2020)
MEd Sociology -UZ, (2008)
BA General -UNISA, (1999);
Dip Ed Primary -UZ, (1992)
MSc Sociology and Social Anthropology, UZ, (2011)
MED Educational Foundations (Psychology) –UZ Zimbabwe (2008)
Bed Primary-Masvingo State University –Zimbabwe (2004)
Diploma in Education (Primary) –UZ Zimbabwe (1999)