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Department of Development Studies students marry theory with practice

Department of Development Studies students marry theory with practice

7/19/2018 12:25:15 PM

ZEGU Department of Development Studies level 2.1 students marry theory with practice

Community Share Ownership Trusts (CSOTs) in Zimbabwe are viewed as vehicles to promote community development in rural communities. The government of Zimbabwe launched the concept of CSOTs to empower indigenous communities living in areas rich in natural resources; thus, giving communities a 10 percent stake in all businesses that exploit natural resources in their areas.

It is because of such an observation that the Department of Development Studies saw it prudent for the 2:1 students studying a module on Rural Development in Africa to marry theory and practice by embarking on an academic tour to Mhondoro –Ngezi. The tour was designed in a way to facilitate student’s observation and analysis of the realities of CSOTs in promoting rural development.

The projects in the 4 sites that the students visited were sponsored by the Mhondoro-Ngezi, Chegutu, Zvimba Community Share Ownership Trust to the tune of $ 55 000 under the Trust’s Social Development Projects where 50% of the Trust funds are channelled towards social development projects. Forty percent (40%) of the Trust funds are channelled towards enterprise development and women empowerment programmes and the remaining 10% is for Youth Empowerment Programmes. The construction of the foot bridge was funded under the social development projects where as the construction of two fowl runs in the ward was done as a way of empowering the community through creating employment particularly for rural women and youths. The Trust also helped in empowering the youths through the construction of a Vocational Training Centre where different livelihood skills are imparted on the youths.

Mhondoro-Ngezi Academic Tour in pictures:

Development Studies 2;1 students & staff on an educational tour in Mhondoro-Ngezi

From left is Mr Mhembwe (Chairperson Development Studies at ZEGU), Mr Phiri (CEO of the Trust) ZEGU students & far right is Chief Mushava (one of the Board members of the Trust)

Projects funded by the Trust in ward 8 : Foot bridge

    Cluster house at Domboshava clinic

Newly constructed semi-detached houses at Domboshava clinic

Fowl run under construction at Dondoshava Primary School


The CEO explaining constraints over the delay in completing the project to the students inside the fowl run under construction

A back-up generator for power purchased by the Trust for one of the fowl runs in ward 8

Fowl run used by the community for the production of broilers as well as point of lay birds


Some of the community members seen working on the fowl run disinfecting feeding trough

Mhondoro-Ngezi Vocational Training

Vocational training centre that was constructed through funds from the Trust




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