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Students Innovation Fund and Summit (SIFS) 2018

Students Innovation Fund and Summit (SIFS) 2018

8/4/2018 3:38:56 PM

Background and Introduction

Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU) is pleased to announce the Students Innovation Fund and Summit (SIFS) 2018. SIFS comes from the realization that many young people do not get a chance to showcase their ideas due to lack of interaction platforms, funding opportunities, among others. It aims to bring out the actual gems from the University and provide them with a platform to showcase their ideas and achievements and provide funding to actualize their innovations.

The idea behind the grant and summit is to promote entrepreneurship at the University through supporting students to be creative and innovative. This initiative encompasses self-designed projects, entrepreneurial venture, research projects and other original student-driven projects. The grant intends to fund 10 innovative projects with a start-up grant of $500. Top up grants may be awarded to projects that win at the Summit that require scaling up. Students are required to apply and present their innovative ideas that require funding. Such ideas will be subjected to a selection committee for screening. Students from the same faculty or different faculties are encouraged to collaborate.

With the recognition that successful and sustainable entrepreneurship is hinged on networking, the grant process will be followed by a summit bringing together various stakeholders.

Specific Objectives of the Summit

·   The summit is meant to promote networking and interface amongst young entrepreneurs and of leaders of industry and commerce. 

·    It will impart skills in fundraising, project management, leadership, public relations and pitching, among others

·   The summit will also help raise awareness on the hurdles that young entrepreneurs face and forge a way for sustainable entrepreneurship.



Be a registered student with Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University.


Participating at the Summit:

·     Participation at the youth summit is automatic for the grant winners.

·    Other students who want to participate at the summit should submit abstracts of not more than 500 words under the broad theme of “Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa” by 18 September 2018.

Applying for a grant:

·    Eligible students should download and  complete the form and attach a proposal of no more than 500 words together with a supporting budget and submit to the Dean of Students as hard copies or email to copying

Important dates: 

·     Deadline for submission of applications for both grant and abstracts for the SIFS: 18 September 2018

·     Announcement of decision on grant applications and abstracts: 30 September 2018

·     Summit date:  22-23 November 2018




Related Links

Forward In Faith Ministries »

Banking Details

Bank: ZB Bank
Account Name:Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University
Branch: Bindura
Account Number (ZiG): 4536 00 772 451 200
Account Number (NOSTRO): 4536 00 772 451 405


ZEGU Merchant Code: *151*2*3*52131*Amount#
NB: Keep payment confirmation message for future reference.

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