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Master of Science in Healthcare Ethics and Law

Master of Science in Healthcare Ethics and Law


Normal Entry: Applicants must be holders of a bachelor’s degree in Science, Health, Social Sciences, Law or Humanities.



Program Structure 

Level I Semester I

HHRL 501 Theory and Practice of Healthcare Ethics

HHRL 502 Legal Theory and Healthcare

 HHRL 503 Autonomy and Paternalism

 HHRL 504 Public Health and Law


 Level I Semester II

HHRL 505 Advanced Research Methods and statistics

 HHRL 506 Contemporary and Emerging issues in international healthcare ethics and law

 HHRL 507 Treatment of Children and Vulnerable adults

HHRL510 Research Project/Dissertation

 HHRL511 Practicum



 HHRL 508 Mental Health Ethics and Law;

HHRL 509 Law, Ethics and Pharmaceutical Products

HHRL 513 Maternal Health and Ethics

HHRL 511 Psychiatry and Ethics

 HHRL 512 Gerontology and Ethics


 Level II Semester I

 HHRL 510 Research Project/Dissertation


 Level II Semester II

HHRL 511 Practicum Cumulative credits 



Program Structure




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Bank: ZB Bank
Account Name:Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University
Branch: Bindura
Account Number (ZiG): 4536 00 772 451 200
Account Number (NOSTRO): 4536 00 772 451 405


ZEGU Merchant Code: *151*2*3*52131*Amount#
NB: Keep payment confirmation message for future reference.

Contact Us

Stand No. 1901 Barrassie Rd,
Off Shamva Road
Box 350
Bindura, Zimbabwe

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Email: admin@zegu.ac.zw